It’s monsoon season once again in Arizona, and Rim Country sees more than its fair share of turbulent weather during these months. Living in a wildfire area means that this area is also prone to post-fire flash flooding during and immediately following heavy rains. Ensure your insurance coverage for your property and contents of your home are at adequate levels to make you whole, should such storm or flood damage affect your property.
Monsoon safety driving tips
· Expect the unexpected. Monsoons can literally eventuate from seemingly clear and cloudless skies in a matter of minutes. Always know that a storm is possible during monsoon season and understand how to safely drive in rainy conditions.
· When in doubt, wait it out! If you don’t have to travel during monsoon storms, postpone your trip. The less people on the road leads to overall safety for the community.
· When faced with low- or zero-visibility conditions, pull your vehicle off the road as far to the right as possible. Once visibility has cleared you can cautiously head out onto the roads again. It is also advisable to have headlights on during inclement weather including heavy rain, hail, and haboob style dust storms.
· Don’t risk crossing a flooded wash, even if it doesn’t look deep. It takes only a few inches of rushing water to completely sweep away a vehicle. Besides potential life-threatening consequences to yourself, you also risk the safety of any rescue personnel that may have to come to your aid. Not to mention having to foot the bill for such a rescue.
· Do not drive around “Road Closed” signs. EVER! Please respect closure signs and keep yourself and loved ones out of danger by respecting closure signs placed by trained authorities.
Tips to make your home ‘Monsoon Ready’
· Waterproofing is the way to go. Complete waterproofing sealant applied to roofing, exterior and interior walls goes a long way to act as a preventative measure to keep unwanted water out of your home during storm season. Leaks and seepage are one of the most common repair issues needing to be addressed post storm.
· Clear out the drains and rain gutters to give water flow the easiest possible path away from your property.
· Check electrical wirings and casings to make sure there is nothing exposed and everything is in working condition.
· Protect wooden furniture. Weatherproofing polish is a good way to coat wooden indoor or outdoor furniture to protect it from the monsoon elements.
· Ensure AC Maintenance: Summertime is by far the busiest season for HVAC professionals. Regular maintenance is the best way to avoid being stuck without vital cooling due to unavailable contractors to respond immediately during these hot and sticky months.
After the storms:
• Walk your property to make sure no major damage has been sustained by fallen vegetation, and if there is hail, inspect vehicles and outbuildings for damage.
• Drain any standing water and cover rain collection containers to prevent mosquito populations from forming on your property. Be sure your property is fitted with properly sized mosquito screens to protect your family from pests when inside your house. It is advisable to close all open windows and doors after sunset, which is a prime time for mosquito activity.
While monsoon weather in the Rim Country may be an inevitability, suffering from it doesn’t have to be. With these wise preventative and active measures in place, you will find the best way to keep your family and property safe during the rainy season.