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Should you sell during the holidays?
Should you sell during the holidays?
Scale back on holiday decorations. Buyers want neutral. Depending on how into decorating sellers are, this could go into either the pro or con column. A seller might want to look into a professional home stager to do their holiday decorations and get them just right. Don’t leave gifts under the tree. There is no reason to welcome in thieves along with potential buyers. Make it smell (and taste) great with freshly baked cookies. Below are a couple of pros and cons to selling during the holidays:
Pro – Buyers that are looking for a home during the busy holiday season are usually more serious about finding a home and are ready to make a decision.
Con – Homebuyers could get the false impression that a seller is desperate and give a low offer if they keep their property listed during this season
Pro – Being in a home during the cold months means a seller will get to see the heating system in action. Ditto for how well the home is insulated and if there is any issue with draftiness around doors and windows. That is a definite plus.
Con – People have more flexible schedules during holiday season, meaning they can view the house at any time. This can become inconvenient for a seller at this very busy time of year (think parties, family time, gift wrapping, baking, etc) Is it worth the hassle?
A seller can consider taking their property off the market during the holidays. They can discuss with their agent if this is a good strategy. Relisting in the new year could ultimately benefit them. New eyes. Fresh start.
There are points both for and against to contemplate when deciding whether or not to list or keep a property listed during the holiday season. In any scenario, it is always wise to seek the counsel of a trusted real estate professional who can guide them with seasoned advice to make the best choice for their situation.
What to Do In November
The Rim Country’s temperature in November is that perfect Autumn chilly crisp, averaging lows in the 30s and Highs in the 60s. Boots and Sweater weather perfect for strolling into comfortable walks among the pines, or stretching stocking footed in front of a roaring fire. If you do choose to brave the outside world, here are a few of the activities going on around the town this month.
Payson Farmer’s Market Twilight Tuesdays:
Beginning November 10
Tuesdays 3pm to 6pm
Intimate setting
Live music
Local artists
Groceries & more
The same great team that brings the summer Payson Farmer’s Market to the Sawmill Crossing has put together a group of vendors for a cool weather market to keep fresh produce coming into our area!
Turkey Trot 5k Run/Walk
Saturday November 21st 8pm to 11pm
1000 W Country Club Drive
Green Valley Park
Gather the family to enjoy a brisk morning with gorgeous views, friendly neighbors, crazy socks, and tons of fun at the annual Turkey Trot 5k and 1 Mile Run/Walk
October Treats in Rim Country
The spectacular colors of fall are here once again in Rim Country and are certainly worth the trip to see. Once you are here, you can pick your method of taking in the sights. Hike, bike, or drive your way through the breathtaking experience of Autumn in full color! The third and fourth week of October are the optimal time to see the richest colors of the area. The forest is home to Oaks, Maples, Sumac, Woodbine and others that add golds and reds to the greens of the pine and evergreen. Certain vantage points on the Rim offer nearly 100 mile views out over the horizon. Be sure to remember your camera!
Hiking Trails
Below are listed some of the hikes that showcase the best views of the colors. Some trails allow bikes. Some allow horses. They vary in levels of difficulty and length, so there is something for everyone. Remember to always wear sturdy hiking shoes and take adequate water with you during your hikes.
Drive Tours
Some prefer the less strenuous path and enjoy taking in the beauty of the season from the climate controlled comfort of their vehicles. For them, the following:
Forest Service Road 300: Top of the Rim, drive through the Aspens,
Turn left at Wood Canyon Lake Road.
Forest Service Road 284: Across from Tall Pines Market in Christopher Creek,
2 miles to stand of Maples. Look down on colorful Oaks & Maples.
Fish Hatchery Road East of Kohl’s Ranch: 4 1/2 miles following Tonto Creek.
Halloween Trunk or Treat
The Town of Payson is hosting a wonderful event once again this year and, in light of COVID-19 is taking many precautions to do so. Admission is FREE. All who attend do so at their own risk. If you or your child have recently been ill or are showing symptoms, please stay at home and do not attend. This year’s event will begin earlier to give families more time to come and go, leaving more room for all to attend at some point in the evening. The event runs from 4pm-8pm, or until the candy runs out. For more information, you can visit the town’s website at
First Home Buying 101
You’ve done it. You weighed the options, juggled the pros and cons between renting and buying, and come to the decision to go after that good old American dream of home ownership. Maybe it’s a big life change that’s spurred this new choice like a marriage or new baby, or maybe it’s just time. Whatever the case, we’ve prepared a list of steps to take when starting the journey to first time home ownership.
▪ Check your credit report. First you’ll want to be sure it is all correct information. You won’t want any surprises coming your way. Some items may be simple fixes, but you want to go into the process with a good knowledge of how your credit looks. It goes without saying that during this period you should stay up to date on all bills and obligations.
▪ Sit down and put on paper an estimate of your financial picture including all income, debts, savings, investments, and anything else that adds to your financial life.
▪ Get prequalified. Put in simple terms this means getting a financial institution like a bank or credit union to agree to a loan amount for a period of time, giving a chance to look for a home after in that dollar range. Doing a preliminary search online will help new home buyers to know what competitive rates looks like. They can then use that information to shop around locally for the best rate offered to them. Most contemporary underwriting is automated in larger banks, so if you have irregular, seasonal, or unusual income or financial circumstances, you will want to look for smaller community banks or credit unions that offer manual underwriting to serve you most optimally.
▪ Begin the hunt! Now is the time to do the fun part, looking for your dream home. With the pre-approval amount as a guide, you can begin to narrow your search and view available properties in your area. A great real estate agent will be essential to knowing how to match your wants and needs with your budget and location specifications. Sites like Zillow are also available to get you started and help to narrow down the search in cases where the market is particularly saturated with available properties.
▪ Narrow it down. While it is fun to fantasize about top of the line and fancy-schmancy anything goes budget, that is not the case for most first time home buyers. Hidden costs of home ownership are very real and seemingly around every corner of the process, so it is essential that homeowners do not choose homes near the high end of what they have calculated as “what they can afford.” Leaving a financial buffer is not only prudent, but often proves necessary in the course of new home ownership. Choose your home from well within your comfort zone.
▪ Make an offer. With the help of your real estate agent, submit an offer on the property you choose. Real estate agents have access to a lot of information that will help you place offers more likely to be accepted. They know what prices homes are selling for in the area, how long the property has been on the market, and market conditions at the time you are making the offer. They are definitely an asset during this stage.
▪ Get a home inspection. Ideally you will want an inspection done by a professional who is independent of anyone who will make money on the home transaction. There are bound to be small problems with any older home, but it’s the big and costly ones you are looking for. Your real estate professional will know if any inspection findings give cause to adjust your offer
▪ Apply for a mortgage. You have the pre qualification, now its time to make it final. The lender has to sign off on the home as worthy of the amount being lent, so they will do an inspection of their own. They will ask for proof of homeowners insurance, so you will want to have gotten that beforehand. Also needed at this time will be your financial records since your pre qualification
▪ Closing time. This one is the doozy. Many papers will be signed to transfer the property to you. Don’t forget your photo ID! You will be signing your name many many times! Your real estate agent should prepare you for closing costs so you’ll know how much you will be paying on closing day. Average closing costs come in at around 2% of the home price
▪ Take those keys! After the loan closes and is fully funded (sadly not the same day as closing day, typically) You will be handed your shiny new keys! The long process over, you can now enjoy your new home!
How long should I stay in my home before selling?
Is it time to sell your home? Have you been there long enough? How long is long enough? When is the ideal time? There are many factors to consider when timing the selling of your home. Below we have listed the major factors to consider before deciding whether the time is right to list.
The Tax Factor: You want to take taxes into consideration first and foremost. Nobody wants to take a financial hit. The gold standard is two years. This will help you steer clear of capital gains taxation on your home. Besides the financial downside, selling early could lead potential buyers to wonder if there is a problem with the property. This is called negative buyer perception, and can lead to fewer or lower offers on the home.
Equity: The first few years of home mortgage payments are usually dedicated to paying off interest before taking bites out of your principle. Usually it takes 5-7 years before you start eating away at that and begin building equity in your home.
While paying down principle is one way to build equity, another is by improving the value of your home by renovating. Projects such as bathroom and kitchen remodeling, deck additions or flooring upgrades can add equity to your home as well.
Market Conditions: Take the time to do the research on how similar homes in your area are currently selling? Factor in costs like commissions and closing cost on a new home purchase when deciding whether now is the ideal time to list your home. For help with this information consult with a Real Estate Agent before you decide to sell.
While there are many things to take into consideration when trying to calculate the perfect time to sell, these tips will help to give an overall idea of when and where to begin.
Rim Country through the eyes of a child
Rim Country Arizona, in Northern Gila County is home to Payson, Pine, Strawberry, and the Largest Ponderosa Pine Forest in the world. Located just over an hour’s drive north of the metro Phoenix area, and boasting clean fresh air, and notably cooler temperatures, it is also a playground for outdoor enthusiasts of every age. Today we highlight activities that are geared specifically to appeal to children as well as adults. (Please always check websites AND site phone numbers for possible COVID or social distancing restrictions or changes to posted information)
Rim Country through the eyes of a child
Rim Country Arizona, in Northern Gila County is home to Payson, Pine, Strawberry, and the Largest Ponderosa Pine Forest in the world. Located just over an hour’s drive north of the metro Phoenix area, and boasting clean fresh air, and notably cooler temperatures, it is also a playground for outdoor enthusiasts of every age. Today we highlight activities that are geared specifically to appeal to children as well as adults. (Please always check websites AND site phone numbers for possible COVID or social distancing restrictions or changes to posted information)
Rim Country fun to keep kids entertained:
Town of Payson The town itself is a treasure trove of fun activities and year round events. The parks listed below are gems of the town. Visit the website to see how the community “Adventures where we live!”
World’s Oldest Continuous Rodeo If you visit Payson in August, you can experience this amazing rodeo that has been held every year since 1884!
Green Valley Park The diamond of Payson. Hosting multiple lakes fully stocked for fishing, kayaking, canoeing, playground, walking paths, multiple covered ramadas and a cool grass amphitheater that hosts a popular summer concert series
Rumsey Park & Dog Park Our second town park houses our town library, off-leash dog park, tennis courts, pickle ball courts, playgrounds, skate park, horseshoe pits, athletic fields, and multiple covered ramadas
Rim Country Museum and Zane Grey Cabin Located on the Green Valley Park property, this is a great look at the history of Rim Country and popular western author Zane Grey. Adult admission $5 and children 12 and below enter at no charge.
Strawberry SchoolhouseThis one room schoolhouse is a fun stop for kids and a throwback to the days of pioneer education. Check for hours and appointments
Pine Creek Lavender Farm A beautiful and aromatic tour through the beauty and color of nature. End your stop with a visit through the shop stocked with homemade lavender potions, soaps and calming elixers.
Pine-Strawberry Museum Explore the history of the tiny twin towns of Pine and Strawberry. Adults $1, Children ages 11 and below enter at no charge.
Rim Country:
Water Wheel Falls 1.6 mile trail that leads to a beautiful swimming hole. $9 Fee/Car
Tonto Creek Fish Hatchery One of the largest natural travertine bridges in the world. Beautiful hike. You can look from above or hike down under and through the bridge and waterfall below. Entrance Fee: $7/Adult $4/Child ages 7-13, Children 6 and below at no charge.
Tonto Creek Fish Hatchery Offering self guided tour of hatchery, this is a great family stop. Producing and stocking various types of trout to view, they also offer hiking trails through wetland areas and streams as well as picnic facilities.
Horton Creek Trail Easy level hike. 3.5 miles total but has water access throughout, so does not have to be completed if you have young children. Restrooms at nearby campground. No fees.
East Verde Park Hidden wonder just north of Payson. Small parking lot, but very close to water access. No fees. No restroom access.
Hidden Expenses: Building vs. Moving into a previously owned home
When it comes to buying a home, often buyers feel that building new is the superior route over previously owned homes. What is often overlooked however are the sneaky hidden costs that drive up the price of new builds. Below are some of the expenses that often get forgotten when considering building a new home.
• The first big sticker shock when you are building a new home is that what is listed in that glossy brochure is not what you’re going to pay in the end. It might seem like a no brainer, but the big billboard teaser amount is nowhere near the amount you’re going to write on that closing check. Prepare yourself for the bottom line to be a much bigger number than you expect.
• Latent defects – Independent Home Inspection is still necessary. Even though everything seems shiny and new, builders do sometimes make mistakes, have oversights, or even sadly take shortcuts. Protect your most valuable investment and make sure you have an inspection done. Making sure the inspector is not affiliated with the builder is also key to a thorough inspection.
• Upgrades – Basic amenities come standard, but upgrades will cost you. Is it worth the price the builder is charging, or would it be more cost effective to do the upgrade yourself after move in? You might also want to take into consideration whether upgrading might make your home over improved for the area.
• Costs won’t stop after you close. Budgeting a cushion to make the house your own is a must. Now might be the time to do those upgrades you decided were too costly for the builder to do. Consider also the cost of running new utilities into your home for the first time, and landscaping your barren front and back lot.
• Home Warranty – It’s a brand new house, so why spend big dollars on home warranty service? You definitely don’t want to skimp here. Houses settle, and you’ll want to be sure you know your coverage and length of coverage so that any unanticipated bumps, breaks, or cracks can be covered by the builder in the early days.
• Lacking essentials – Where are the curtains, and, wait, where is the refrigerator? What exactly was included in the purchase price? Budgeting for necessities like major appliances and window coverings is a cost of new builds.
• Mortgage – Will the builder’s terms be the best? Sometimes, but it isn’t a given. It is always best to have representation of your own to navigate the terms of your mortgage and make sure you are getting the best.
• A new community is wonderful. Or is it? You have no idea. There is a downside to building/buying in an unestablished neighborhood. Previously owned homes come with neighbors and neighborhoods with established histories. You can research school districts, crime statistics, and get a feel for the neighbors themselves. New builds offer a blank slate. While that is not necessarily a bad thing, it is a cost to consider.
Overall there are pros and cons to both new builds and previously owned homes. Armed with resources like knowing potential hidden costs, home hunters can make the choices that best suit their needs.
Payson, A Dog Friendly Town
Payson is literally a pet lover’s dream come true. Not only do we host the world’s largest Ponderosa pine forest, replete with a plethora of sticks for throwing, we are also home to a great many humans who are friendly to the four legged friends both living in and visiting Rim Country every day. So much so that visitors with canine companions are viewed as a joy rather than an irritation by most residents of our pet-loving community. Below we have resources listed to help any pet owners as they visit our area.
Dog friendly locations
An excellent resource for dog lovers:
Majestic Mountain Inn –
Quality Inn –
Motel 6 (small dogs) –
The Strawberry Inn –
Christopher Creek Lodge –
In addition, you will find many VRBO, airbnb, and cabin rental owners willing to accept pets with and without pet deposits.
Restaurants – Dog friendly patios
Macky’s Grill – 201 W. Main Street
El Rancho – 200 S. Beeline Hwy
Fargo’s Steakhouse – 620 E. Hwy 260
Buffalo Bar & Grill – 311 S. Beeline Hwy
Mike’s Fish & Chips – 516 S. Beeline Hwy
Backwoods Bar & Grill – 210 E. Hwy 260
That Brewery – 3270 N. Hwy 87
Old County Inn – 3502 N. Hwy 87
The Randall House – 3821 N. Hwy 87
Payson Off-Leash Dog Park – 400 N. McLane Rd. (inside Rumsey Park)
Payson Farmer’s Market – Runs every Saturday between Memorial Day and Labor Day from 8am-Noon, 201 W. Main Street. Parking Lot of Sawmill Crossing Theaters.
Rumsey Park – 400 N. McLane Rd
Green Valley Park – 1000 W. Country Club Drive (Main Street turns into this street)
Hiking trails – Link to local trails –
Tonto Natural Bridge – 10 Miles north of Payson on Hwy 87. Follow signs from highway.
Payson does have a leash law and appreciates well behaved dogs and owners. Also a word of caution, per Town of Payson ordinance, all athletic fields are off limits to our canine companions. Apart from that, you can be sure to find the Rim Country an accommodating and refreshing retreat for man and beast alike.
Understanding C.L.U.E. Reports
Understanding C.L.U.E. Reports
Also known as a Loss History Report, a CLUE Report is a record of insurance losses. Each month, participating homeowners and auto insurance companies report claims history information, which goes into a central database called the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE).
These reports will show you the past 7 years of insurance claim history of the current homeowner. If you are a perspective buyer, it is important that you request this documentation from the current property owner before moving forward with a purchase. Homeowners can also request a free CLUE report.
When it comes to insurance companies, they exclusively use C.L.U.E. reports to underwrite and rate new policies. They have very little use for them outside of those factors, as they already have loss histories for existing policyholders and properties within their database.
If you find a mistake in a report, such as an incorrect loss payment or claim report, one can dispute it by contacting the company directly. Let them know what the issue is, and they will contact the insurance company on the individual’s behalf.
If you would like to obtain a C.L.U.E. report, you can request a copy from LexisNexis toll free at 1-866-312-8076 or by visiting